The first international festival of children's painting will be held with the theme "Environment and Social Responsibilities".
The first international festival of children's painting will be held with the theme "Environment and Social Responsibilities".

In today's world, paying attention to environmental issues and promoting social awareness is particularly important. In this regard, the first international children's painting festival, with the initiative and effort of the Iranian Scientific Society of Health, Safety and Environmental Management and Engineering (HSEME) to promote sensitivity towards environmental issues and social responsibilities, will soon be held in Isfahan in February 2023 at the same time as The first international congress of management and engineering of health, safety, and environment will be held in the international conference hall of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. This cultural and artistic event provides a suitable opportunity for children worldwide to express their concerns and worries about the planet's future through their art.

Objectives of the festival

The main goal of this festival is to inform the new generation about the importance of preserving the environment and recognizing social responsibilities. The children participating in this festival will portray their thoughts and feelings about environmental crises, climate changes, pollution and other environmental issues that the world is struggling with through painting and art. Also, this festival will be an opportunity to promote social responsibility and the active participation of children in creating a better world.

Addressees and participants

The Children's Painting Festival will be held internationally, focusing on environmental issues and social responsibilities, and will invite children from 6 to 14 years of age worldwide to participate. Paintings displayed in this festival, in addition to being presented to judges and art critics, will be exposed to the public. This festival aims to provide a suitable platform for cultural exchange between children of different countries and to create solidarity and consensus in order to protect the environment and promote social responsibilities at the global level.

Festival sections

The children's painting festival is divided into three main parts:

  1. Individual paintings: Children can present their paintings on environmental and social responsibility topics.
  2. Educational and artistic workshops: In this section, children participating in the festival will learn artistic techniques as well as environmental and social concepts in various educational workshops.
  3. International Exhibition: All works selected in this section will be exhibited in a public and international exhibition in Tehran. This exhibition will be a turning point for the direct connection of young artists with society.

The importance of the festival

Holding such a festival on an international scale, in addition to being an important artistic event, is a great opportunity to raise public awareness of environmental and social issues. Today's world is facing major challenges such as climate change, air pollution, deforestation, and environmental crises, and children, as the future generation, play a decisive role in shaping the solutions to these issues. Therefore, holding such a festival that invites children to participate in this global movement is very valuable.

In addition to improving children's artistic skills, this festival teaches them how to send strong messages about important social and environmental issues through art. This type of participation not only helps children to show their abilities, but also indirectly increases global solidarity in order to protect the planet and promote social responsibility.

The first international children's painting festival with the theme of "Environment and Social Responsibilities" is a good opportunity to raise awareness and motivate the next generation to protect the environment and promote social responsibilities through art. This event can be known as an initiator for more cultural, social, and environmental movements at the global level, and in this way, children's painting and art become a tool for social change and transformation in today's world.

For more information, you can refer to the site of this festival ( ) and receive various invitations.

شنبه 01 مهر 1402 (1 سال قبل )
انجمن علمی مدیریت و مهندسی بهداشت، ایمنی ومحیط زیست ایران (HSEME) ، با استناد به مصوبه شماره ۲۶۲ شورایعالی انقلاب فرهنگی، فعالیت خود را با همکاری و همفکری نخبگان و اعضای هیأت علمی دانشگاه ها و مراکز پژوهشی ملی و بین المللی و نیز جمعی از پیشکسوتان و متخصصان صنعت در نفت، گاز، پتروشیمی، معدن و دیگر صنایع مرتبط شروع کرد.