Message of the President of Iranian Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environmental Management and Engineering (HSEME) on the occasion of World Environment Day 2024 "Our Earth, Our Future"
This year, the World Environment Day 2024, with the slogan "Our Earth, Our Future", has a special emphasis on restoring the earth, stopping desertification and building resistance against drought. In addition, according to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 40% of the earth's land has been destroyed, which directly affects half of the world's population. Also, the frequency and duration of droughts have increased by 29% since 2000, and if immediate action is not taken, drought may affect three quarters of the world's population by 2050. Land restoration is one of the important goals of the United Nations regarding ecosystem restoration in 2021 to 2030. Also, land reclamation plays a significant role in achieving sustainable development goals.
On this occasion, Dr. Amin Padash, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environmental Management and Engineering (HSEME), in a message while congratulating this World Day on the importance of paying attention to education, awareness and public participation to achieve this sustainability, emphasized the environment and prioritizing the preservation of the environment in all aspects of development - industrial, service, economic, cultural and social.

The participation of the "Council of Sustainable Buildings and Cities of Iran" in the third international conference and exhibition on optimizing Iran's energy consumption and efficiency.
The 3rd international conference and exhibition on optimization of Iran's energy consumption and efficiency, under the auspices of Iran's Renewable Energy Association and Iran's Chamber of Commerce for Industries, Mines and Agriculture, started today at Milad Tower International Convention Center; This conference will continue for two days until October 15, 2024.

Safety information, Safety, Health and Environmental (HSE) requirements in Marine and Shipping
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has several key conventions that obligate ships to comply with safety, health, and environmental requirements. One of the most significant frameworks is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), along with the MARPOL Convention for pollution prevention.
Key Clauses and Explanations:
1- SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea)
Safety of Life at Sea Convention SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) is an international maritime treaty that sets minimum safety standards for ships and shipping procedures. First introduced in 1914 after the sinking of the RMS Titanic, SOLAS was subsequently implemented several times during It has been updated over the years, with the last amendment of SOLAS 1974 coming into force in 1980. The purpose of this convention is to ensure the safety of human life at sea, the safety of ships, and the safety of property on board.
2-MARPOL (Marine Pollution)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
Water pollution is one of the most fundamental global concerns to preserve the marine environment, which can cause damage to plants, animals and marine ecosystems, as well as disrupt human exploitation of the sea and harm the tourism and fishing industries. to be Various types of sea pollution caused by ships, such as the discharge of waste, oil and its derivatives in the water and pollution caused by the smoke of ships, led to the creation of an important international treaty to prevent them. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships or MARPL is a treaty in which all ships flying the flags of MARPL signatory countries, regardless of their origin and destination, are obliged to comply with its provisions, and the member nations, They are responsible for all ships and vessels that are registered under their respective nationality. Marple is an abbreviation of Marine Pollution.
3. STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers)
The convention outlines the training and certification requirements for seafarers and ensures that crews are adequately trained to handle safety and environmental challenges. These standards consist of the abbreviation of the Latin words Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping, and it means the standards of training, certification, cares or watches of maritime, which was approved in 1978 by the conference of the International Maritime Organization in London and in It was implemented in 1984.
4- ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code)
ISPS stands for Latin words (International Ship and Port Security) and means international security of ships and ports.

The Importance of HSE System Implementation
Prepared and edited by: Dr. Amin Padash, President of the Iranian Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environment Management and Engineering (HSEME)
The implementation of a Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) management system is crucial for organizations across various industries. It not only ensures compliance with legal requirements but also fosters a culture of safety and sustainability, ultimately driving operational excellence. An effective HSE system minimizes risks, enhances productivity, and safeguards the well-being of employees and the environment. Below, we explore the importance of HSE system implementation through practical examples and extended descriptions.

What are the Best Practices for HSE Management System?
Prepared and edited by: Dr. Amin Padash, President of the Iranian Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environment Management and Engineering (HSEME)
Implementing best practices for Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) is crucial for creating a safe workplace and promoting a safety culture. These practices help minimize risks and enhance organizational performance, employee morale, and public perception. Below are some of the best HSE practices, illustrated with examples and extended descriptions to demonstrate their importance and effectiveness.
- Comprehensive Risk Assessment
Best Practice: Conducting regular and thorough risk assessments is fundamental in identifying potential hazards and evaluating the associated risks in the workplace.
Example: A company might conduct a risk assessment in the construction industry before starting a new project. This involves identifying hazards such as working at heights, heavy machinery, or potential exposure to harmful materials. The assessment would include evaluating the likelihood of these risks and their potential impact on workers.
A detailed risk assessment process often includes site inspections, employee feedback, and historical data analysis. This information helps in formulating specific control measures, such as using safety harnesses for workers at heights, establishing barriers around machinery, or implementing stringent safety protocols when handling hazardous substances. Regular assessment updates are also essential as projects evolve or new hazards emerge.

Why is HSE Compliance important?
Prepared and edited by: Dr. Amin Padash, President of the Iranian Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environment Management and Engineering (HSEME)
HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) compliance is critical for organizations across all industries. It refers to adhering to laws, regulations, standards, and internal policies to ensure employees' health and safety, protect the environment, and promote sustainable practices. The importance of HSE compliance can be understood through various lenses, including legal, financial, ethical, and operational perspectives. Below, we explore why HSE compliance is essential, supported by examples and detailed descriptions.
- Legal Obligations
Importance: One primary reason for HSE compliance is to meet legal obligations. Organizations are subject to various health, safety, and environmental regulations governmental bodies enforce.
Example: In the construction industry, companies must comply with regulations set by organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the U.S. Failure to comply can lead to serious legal consequences, including fines, lawsuits, and work stoppages.
Legal compliance protects the organization from penalties and upholds the law, contributing to overall public safety. For instance, a construction company that neglects safety standards could face significant fines and be barred from future projects. Additionally, such non-compliance can result in reputational damage, affecting client, investor, and community relationships. Therefore, maintaining strict compliance helps mitigate legal risks and fosters a culture of accountability within the organization.

The first international festival of children's painting will be held with the theme "Environment and Social Responsibilities".
In today's world, paying attention to environmental issues and promoting social awareness is particularly important. In this regard, the first international children's painting festival, with the initiative and effort of the Iranian Scientific Society of Health, Safety and Environmental Management and Engineering (HSEME) to promote sensitivity towards environmental issues and social responsibilities, will soon be held in Isfahan in February 2023 at the same time as The first international congress of management and engineering of health, safety, and environment will be held in the international conference hall of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. This cultural and artistic event provides a suitable opportunity for children worldwide to express their concerns and worries about the planet's future through their art.
Objectives of the festival
The main goal of this festival is to inform the new generation about the importance of preserving the environment and recognizing social responsibilities. The children participating in this festival will portray their thoughts and feelings about environmental crises, climate changes, pollution and other environmental issues that the world is struggling with through painting and art. Also, this festival will be an opportunity to promote social responsibility and the active participation of children in creating a better world.

Invitation to hold the first International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment Management and Engineering
Following the approval of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environmental Management and Engineering (HSEME), the president of the association, Mr. Dr. Padash, announced the holding of the first international conference on management and engineering of health, safety and environment. The message of Dr. Padash is as follows:
"With great pride and with the aim of improving the level of knowledge and sharing experiences in the fields of health, safety and environment (HSE), the Scientific Association of Health, Safety and Environment Management and Engineering (HSEME) of Iran organized the first international conference on HSE management and engineering. The message of this conference is: "All together for safety, health and sustainable environment".
It should be noted that this conference is supported and officially authorized by the Commission of Scientific Associations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and with the exclusive approval code 02231-34172 from the comprehensive system of registration and notification of valid scientific conferences of the Citation and Monitoring Institute of Science and Technology of the Islamic World (ISC), will be held on the 29th and 30th of Bahman 1402 in the international conference hall of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.

معرفی ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance ) و اهمیت آن (قسمت اول)
ESG چیست؟ تعریف و مفهوم کلی
ESG مخفف سه کلمه Environmental (محیطزیستی)، Social (اجتماعی)، و Corporate Governance (حاکمیت شرکتی) است. این مفهوم به مجموعهای از معیارها و اصول اشاره دارد که عملکرد سازمانها را در زمینه پایداری، مسئولیتپذیری اجتماعی و شفافیت مدیریتی ارزیابی میکند. ESG به شرکتها کمک میکند تا تأثیرات زیستمحیطی، اثرات اجتماعی و ساختارهای مدیریتی خود را بهبود ببخشند و در مسیر توسعه پایدار حرکت کنند.
این معیارها شامل موضوعات متنوعی میشوند؛ از جمله کاهش انتشار گازهای گلخانهای، ارتقای تنوع و شمول در محیط کار، شفافیت در تصمیمگیریهای مدیریتی، و مقابله با فساد. بهطور خلاصه، ESG ابزاری است که به شرکتها امکان میدهد تا عملکرد خود را از منظر مسئولیتپذیری اجتماعی و محیط زیستی مدیریت و ارزیابی کنند.

Introduction to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) and its importance (Part One)
What is ESG? Definition and general concept
ESG is an acronym for three words: Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. This concept refers to a set of criteria and principles that evaluate the performance of organizations in the field of sustainability, social responsibility, and management transparency. ESG helps companies improve their environmental impacts, social impacts, and management structures and move towards sustainable development.
These criteria cover a variety of topics, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, transparency in management decisions, and combating corruption. In short, ESG is a tool that allows companies to manage and evaluate their performance from a social and environmental responsibility perspective.

مقدمة عن ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) و أهمیتها (الجزء الأول)
ما هي ESG؟ التعريف والمفهوم العام
ESG هو اختصار لثلاث كلمات: Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance. يشير هذا المفهوم إلى مجموعة من المعايير والمبادئ التي تقيم أداء المنظمات في مجال الاستدامة والمسؤولية الاجتماعية وشفافية الإدارة. تساعد ESG الشركات على تحسين تأثيراتها البيئية والاجتماعية وهياكلها الإدارية والتحرك نحو التنمية المستدامة.
تغطي هذه المعايير مجموعة متنوعة من المواضيع، بما في ذلك الحد من انبعاثات الغازات المسببة للاحتباس الحراري، وتعزيز التنوع والشمول في مكان العمل، والشفافية في قرارات الإدارة، ومكافحة الفساد. باختصار، ESG هي أداة تسمح للشركات بإدارة وتقييم أدائها من منظور المسؤولية الاجتماعية والبيئية.